

When you place an order with us, our goal is always for you to take delivery within 2–5 business days (that is, not counting weekends and holidays). The shipping fee is EUR 5.90.

You’ll receive an order confirmation via e-mail as soon as you’ve placed your order. You’ll also get a delivery confirmation as soon as your order is sent from our online warehouse. You’re always welcome to contact our Customer Service with questions. We’re happy to assist you with any enquiries about our products or your order.


Where is my parcel?
You can track your order using the tracking number included in your delivery confirmation. If your order has not arrived in the past few business days since you received your delivery confirmation, contact our Customer Service for assistance: CustomerserviceEU@ginatricot.com.

Is it possible to change or cancel my order after I’ve registered the order?
No; unfortunately, once your order is registered and imported into our system, it’s not possible to make changes or cancel the order. However, you’re always welcome to return your order to us if you don’t want to keep the items.

Is it possible to change my delivery address?
Unfortunately, we cannot change an order in any way once the order is registered. This includes changes to delivery methods and payment alternatives.

I haven’t received an order confirmation or a delivery confirmation.
You’ll receive your order confirmation as soon as your order is registered, and your delivery confirmation will be sent as soon as your order has been dispatched from our warehouse. Sometimes, these confirmation e-mails from us end up in your spam mailbox. We recommend that you check there. If you still don’t see the confirmation, check first with Klarna to ensure that you’ve given them the correct e-mail address with your order. Thereafter, please contact our customer service as well, so that we can update your e-mail address too.

An item is missing from my order.
When your order is sent, you’ll be charged for the items in the order. If the item has sold out and we are unable to process the order, you will not be charged. Once the items have been sent from our warehouse, you’ll receive a delivery confirmation via e-mail. The delivery confirmation specifies whether an item has been removed from the order as a result of unavailable stocks. If an item is missing from your order, we recommend that you check your delivery confirmation first. If the item is missing despite its inclusion in the delivery confirmation, please contact Customer Service.

How old must I be to order something from Gina Tricot?
You must be at least 18 years old.